Saturday, April 20, 2013

I participating to Cooki jar Designer warehouse event.And my item for event mesh porch set,which comes armchairs,cute suitcase planter ,birdhouse and table ..
Porch chairs has 13 and 15 animations,..and texture change options..

Designer Warehouse
My monthly gift for you:)
You can get from group subscriberæmy store..

Sunday, April 14, 2013

 Iam participating to RLM The birds&bees hunt Hunt item is 45L..I prepared a spring party set.

Set is mesh.and comes with stools,table chairs ,garden screen,umbrella and party foods,drinks(cake,cookies sandwiches,lemonade jug and glasses).
 chair has 12 sit anims..
stools has 12 sit, eat etc. anims each..

And there is two stools and plain ttable in box,as bonus gift..

stool 2LI
chair 7LI
table 1LI
garden divider 8LI

Sunday, April 7, 2013

New item @my store is  summer chair set completed with a display..,which you can use @your summer house:)

There is two option to buy..white or oakwood..which you like..:)
 Chairs has  male female unisex anims.(total 27),and texture change options  with lovely floral textures:)

For Cookie jar home&garden sim ''Spring Festival hunt'' , my item is a picnic table set..
stolls has eat,read ,drink etc..anims..

Also my satellite store in sim there is 50% off sale for all items..

Cookie Jar